A Year of Unexpected Poses and Profound Lessons

This year reminded me that life—like a challenging yoga pose—isn't about achieving perfection but about finding balance when everything feels unstable.

At the start of 2024, I set an ambitious intention: to turn my passions into a business, improve my health, and bring more mindfulness into my life. Over the months, I leaned into conversations with trusted friends and family, absorbed wisdom from books and podcasts on entrepreneurship, hired a fitness trainer to keep me accountable, spent meaningful time with loved ones, and deepened my yoga and mindfulness practice.

The ROI of Yoga
My commitment to yoga and mindfulness has been one of the most transformative investments I’ve ever made in myself. What began as a physical practice has evolved into a cornerstone for mental resilience and emotional well-being. Yoga helps me move through my days with greater ease, flow, and calmness—even when life throws me off balance.

The Work in Progress
Transitioning from 15 years in one industry to pursuing a new business has been a humbling and rewarding challenge. No one really prepares us for the disorientation that comes with starting over, but collaboration has been key. I'm incredibly grateful to my accountability partners—@James White, @Christina Lopez, and @Chris Bush—who have kept me inspired and focused on the journey ahead.

The Wobble
This year also brought progress with my fitness goals, thanks to my trainer’s guidance. But just like in yoga, life has its wobbles. Taking on more caregiving responsibilities for my mom shifted my focus, but it also reminded me that setbacks are part of the process—and balance is about adaptability.

Gratitude for Joyful Moments
I made space for unexpected adventures this year and am so glad I did. A dear friend invited us to Paris to celebrate his 10th wedding anniversary, and my husband and I surprised my mom on a Caribbean cruise. These moments are among my most cherished memories of 2024, especially in a year when I’ve learned how quickly life can change.

The Challenge of Caregiving
The most demanding and transformative part of 2024 has been stepping into the role of caregiver for my mom. Over the past three months, we’ve faced countless challenges: navigating hospitals, rehabs, fostering pets, listing her home of 46 years, and moving her into my home to convalesce. Yet through it all, my yoga and mindfulness practice have been my anchor, giving me the patience, perspective, and resilience to embrace the mantra: This, too, shall pass.

Top 4 Life Lessons Learned:

  • Invest in Yourself: Whether it’s yoga, mindfulness, or a new skill, the returns on self-investment are immeasurable.

  • Embrace the Wobble: Progress is rarely linear. Life’s challenges are opportunities to find new balance.

  • Cherish Joyful Moments: Make time for experiences that bring joy and connection—they fuel resilience.

  • Lean on Your Support System: Accountability partners and loved ones are invaluable on any transformative journey.


Lessons 2024 Taught Me