How Losing My Job Led Me to Discover 10 Powerful Energy Givers (That Changed Everything)

In 2023, I lost my job. It was a hard pill to swallow, but there is a silver lining. Since then, I’ve been fortunate to have time to focus on myself and have learned some valuable lessons. Over the coming blog posts, I’m sharing an inventory of energy givers and drainers in my life. As I reflect on this list, I realize that the "me" of four years ago would have had a much different list based on my life at that time. As we move through various chapters in our lives, we must recognize that our list of givers and drainers will likely change—and that’s okay. I believe regularly taking inventory of this list is worthwhile. Whether your list is longer or shorter, doing this exercise is an insightful way to understand where you are and where you want to go in life.


I used to see working out or going to the gym as a chore, and while that may still be true sometimes, I now view it more and more as a privilege. I want to keep my body as mobile and healthy as possible. Each week, I do my best to incorporate 3-5 days of strength training, 3-4 yoga classes, and 10,000 steps daily. It’s not always easy, but exercise is a vital component in slowing the aging process.



Every morning, I wake up, and usually, within the first 10 minutes, I’m out the door for a walk around my block. Getting sunlight has many benefits, including boosting cortisol and serotonin levels. Morning sunlight has numerous benefits, and you can read more about them here.

Time with friends 

Over the years, time with my friends has been one of my biggest energy givers. There is nothing like connecting with a friend, no matter the distance or time between interactions. I’m lucky to have some friends I’ve known for over 40 years, and even though we may only see each other every few years, it feels like no time has passed. These friendships have evolved, and now we’re more like family. Benefits of friendships also include stress reduction, increase of a sense of belonging and purpose, support when dealing with traumas, and many more.



Mindfulness is a simple practice, but it can feel overwhelming, which is why most people don’t pay it any attention. I incorporate mindfulness into my day by taking a walk along with my morning walk. This doesn’t have to be overly structured; with just five minutes, you can walk, grab a coffee, or close your eyes and focus on your breath.


Fuel foods 

Our nutrition and what we put into our bodies are vital. In the last few years, I’ve been pushing myself to reduce the amount of refined sugars I consume and to find foods that fuel my body, such as blueberries, avocados, mushrooms, and spinach. My morning diet usually consists of three eggs with sautéed spinach, yogurt with berries, and honey. For me, this is the perfect fuel to start my day.



Over the years, I’ve had both dogs and cats. We lost our two miniature pinschers a few years ago, but two years ago, we found a cat left in a pet carrier across the street. We adopted him, and now Foster is part of our family. Pets provide endless amounts of joy and have been linked to benefits such as decreased cortisol levels and lower blood pressure.



A hobby I picked up when I moved back to Florida has been gardening, specifically native landscape gardening. Aside from being great for the environment and the pollinators in my area, gardening has also been linked to strengthening muscles, improving flexibility, and enhancing cardiovascular health. Gardening also provides Vitamin D, linked to mood improvement and lower stress levels.



Most people don’t drink enough water each day. Being dehydrated can disrupt moods and cognitive functions. Ensuring you stay hydrated helps remove toxins from the body and decreases feelings of anxiety and fatigue.



Being a constant learner is part of who I am. Over the years, I’ve focused on continuously building new skills for my career or personal knowledge. I’ve gained certifications as a pharmacy technician, learning and development leader, and, most recently, in yoga. Investing in your learning can decrease depression and the added benefits of intellectual advancement.



Music is an important part of everyday life for me. It can energize, focus, motivate, relax, and evoke many other emotions.


I’d challenge you to take 10-15 minutes this week to reflect and write down your own Energy Givers. Maybe your list is longer or shorter than I sheared but take an inventory of where you currently stand. Then as an added challenge, think of what you’d like to add to the list moving forward.

I look forward to sharing Energy Drainers on the next post.

In community and connection,



Free e-book: Herbs for Sustained Energy


My Need For Change Led Me to Herbalism